Public Talks & Video Recordings

Here you will find available links to work I have done with the BBC, NASA TV, and on various other public sites communicating science to the public – for an expanded list of contributions please see Hannah’s CV.

You can also find a link to PDF copies of my seminars on my Seminars page

Glasgow Science Centre, David Elder Lecture

NASA Exoplanet Feature: Exoplanet Clouds ‘Jewels of new knowledge’

BBC The Sky at Night: JWST Road Trip August 2022

The Sky at Night Magazine YouTube

BBC The Sky at Night: The Sky at Day July 2022

Auckland Astronomical Society – Burbidge Lecture

Take a dive through some solar system and exoplanet atmospheres to discover how we learn about alien worlds both near and far.

BBC The Sky at Night: The State of Astronomy December 2020

Edinburgh Astronomical Society

The study of exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than the Sun, is at the forefront of the public imagination in space and an exciting field of research. The question “how do stars and planetary systems form and evolve?”” is one of the biggest in Astronomy, and is at the root of one of the most important questions in science today: “How did we get here?”. To resolve these questions we need to observe, interpret, and understand the nature of planets beyond our Solar System. I will take us on a journey through the atmospheres of alien planets to discover the truly wild nature of planets in the universe.

AAS Journal Author Series

Talking about my paper on WASP-39b published in AJ in 2018.


You can find the B-roll of my interview with ESA at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science here

NASA TV Live shots for the discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 system 

The Wildest Weather in the Universe

Hubble Space Telescope Public Lecture Series
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD

Thank you to all contributing events for hosting and online support.

CoolWorlds YouTube Video

Time To Eat The Dogs Podcast: Chasing Exoplanets

I talked to Michael Robinson, a scientific historian, on his podcast Time to Eat the Dogs, all about our fascination with exoplanets. We also chatted about Exocast and the recent events on twitter with the #ExoCup and how important it is to engage with your audience.

New pod! Chasing Exoplanets. An interview with Hannah Wakeford @StellarPlanet about the discovery of thousands of planets outside our solar system and why they are revolutionizing space science. @stsci @exocast

ā€” Time to Eat the Dogs (@eatthedogs) January 9, 2018


BBC Sky at Night Podcast Radio Astronomy – Christmas Special: Tales from 2017

I talk with Iain Todd about the discovery and follow-up of the TRAPPIST-1 system which was discovered to have seven Earth-sized worlds in orbit.


BBC Horizon: The Wildest Weather in the Universe

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I took a trip out to Hawaii Volcano National Park with the BBC Horizon crew to talk about some of the strange exoplanet clouds we are observing. From lava rain, to clouds of rubies; Exoplanets are some of the most exotic places in the universe.








BBC Sky at Night: The Hunt for ET

Are we alone in the universe? Right now we are in a period of unprecedented change that is taking us closer than ever to answering this fundamental question. I talked to Prof. Chris Lintott about our investigations of exoplanet atmospheres and how we could one day be searching for evidence of life.










NASA@Work: Video Challenge Winner

Challenge: Explain your Air and Space job in under a minute using just the top 1,000 most common words in the English language.
See the XKCD Up Goer 5 challenge writer and give it a go


NASA TV What’s New in Aerospace: Focusing in on Other Worlds

This episode of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museumā€™s What’s New in Aerospace? series, focuses on the abundance of confirmed and potential worlds that have been found outside of our solar system ā€“ commonly known as exoplanets. The program features experts discussing what we have learned so far in our exploration of exoplanets and how we will peer into the atmospheres of these faraway worlds to look for biomarkers, or signs of alien life. The What’s New in Aerospace? series is presented in collaboration with NASA.

University of Exeter Astrophysics Group Elevator Pitch

IOP 3 Minute Wonder Nation Winner 2014

I was the first national winner of the IOP 3 Minute Wonder Competition held at the Royal Institute in London on May 16th 2014. The following is a video recording of my winning talk performed at the University of Exeter and filmed by XTV Online.

Soapbox Science, Exeter, 2015

H&M vlog: A year in the life of a PhD

All 36 episodes of Hannah & Moncho’s Astro Video log can be found below. We discuss everything from the Big Bang to the star of Bethlehem, and also take a look at what it is like to be a PhD student in the Astrophysics group at the University of Exeter, and talk to other academics about their careers.

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